Varaidzo Mukorera

Senior lecturer and specialist (small animal internal medicine)

Academic Qualifications

MMedVet (small animal internal medicine)
Degree awarded by: University of Pretoria
Date awarded: September 2012


Veterinary Degree awarded by: University Of Zimbabwe
Date awarded July 2003

Positions held

September 2012- present day:
Senior lecturer and specialist (small animal internal medicine), University of Pretoria, Faculty of Veterinary Science
January 2007 – August 2012
Resident and Lecturer with the University of Pretoria, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Private Bag X04, Onderstepoort, Pretoria, 0110, South Africa


Published papers

  • Dvir E, Kirberger RM, Mukorera V, van der Merwe LL, Clift SJ. Clinical differentiation between dogs with benign and malignant spirocercosis. Veterinary Parasitology. 2008;155:80-88
  • Mukorera V, Van der Merwe LL, Lavy E, Aroch I, Dvir E. Serum ALP as a marker for neoplastic transformation of esophageal nodules in canine spirocercosis. Veterinary Clinical Pathology 40(3):389-92
  • Mukorera V, van der Merwe LL, Dvir E, Goddard A. Serum C-reactive protein concentration in benign and malignant canine spirocercosis, JVIM 2011;25(4) 963 -966
  • Kirberger RM, Stander N, Cassel N, Pazzi P, Mukorera V, Christie J, Carstens A, Dvir E. Computed tomographic and radiographic characteristics of aortic lesions in 42 dogs with spirocercosis. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2013 May-Jun;54(3):212-22
  • Mukorera V, R.M. Kirberger, P. Mabeta and E. Dvir Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Concentrations in Dogs with Spirocercosis JVIM 27(6) 1642–1645, November/December 2013
  • Botha WJ, Mukorera V, Kirberger RM. Septic pericarditis and pneumopericardium in a dog with an oesophageal foreign body. J S Afr Vet Assoc. 2017 May 29;88(0):e1-e5. doi: 10.4102/jsava.v88i0.1496
  • Atkinson BK, Thompson P, Van Zyl E, Goddard A, Rautenbach Y, Schoeman JP, Mukorera V, Leisewitz A. Kinetics of the inflammatory response during experimental Babesia rossi infection of beagle dogs..Vet Parasitol. 2022 Jun;306:109717. doi: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2022.109717. Epub 2022 May 12.PMID: 3560621

Abstracts presented as oral presentations

  • Mukorera V, van der Merwe LL, Dvir E. ALP as a marker for neoplastic transformation  in canine spirocercosis, ECVIM congress, Porto 2009
  • Mukorera V, van der Merwe LL, Dvir E. Serum alkaline phosphatase and C-reactive protein concentration in benign and malignant canine spirocercosis, SAVA congress 2010
  • V. Mukorera, R. M. Kirberger, P. Mabeta, L.L. Van der Merwe, E. Dvir. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor As A Marker For Neoplastic Transformation In Canine Spirocercosis, ECVIM, September 2011, Seville, Spain
  • Mukorera V, Dvir E. Benign vs Malignant Canine Spirocercosis, WVC congress, Capetown, South Africa,  October 2011

Posters presented

  • Mukorera V, van der Merwe LL, Dvir E, Goddard A. C-reactive protein concentration in benign and malignant canine spirocercosis ACVIM forum 2010

Professional Memberships
1. Registered with the South African Veterinary Council as a specialist veterinarian
