Managing DKA in canine and feline patients

Course Description

Diabetes ketoacidosis “DKA” Management: A comprehensive guide to managing in veterinary practice.
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a serious metabolic disorder that can occur in animals with diabetes mellitus (DM). Most dogs and cats that develop DKA have an insulin deficiency. If diabetes is undiagnosed or uncontrolled, a series of metabolic events can occur that lead to DKA. Predisposing disease processes (e.g., infection, pancreatitis, heart disease), trauma, or exposure to a stressful situation can also lead to this condition. Normally, insulin suppresses hepatic glucose production during a state of hyperglycemia. In the absence of insulin, the liver continues to release glucose, exacerbating hyper­glycemia. At the same time, cellular demand for glucose stimulates the release of glucagon from the pancreas. This hormone, together with the stress hormones cortisol, epinephrine, and growth hormone, triggers the liver to produce even more glucose and ketone bodies.

Learn how to diagnose and treat DKA effectively, improving the prognosis for over half of the feline and canine patients. Gain confidence in handling these cases and establish a strong bond with your furry patients. Includes basic and advanced approaches. Suitable for both inpatient and outpatient management.Take control of DKA management!

Course Content

  • Mastering the Management of Diabetes Ketoacidosis in Veterinary Practice.
  • Critical Step: Rapid Circulating Volume Restoration for DKA Patients in Shock.
  • Essential Step: Reversing Ketosis and Restoring Glucose Utilization in DKA Patients.
  • Vital Objective: Restoring Fluid Balance and Optimizing Glucose Excretion in DKA Patients.
  • Electrolyte Management: Ensuring Balance and Stability in DKA Patients.
  • Maintaining Glycemic Stability: Preventing Hypoglycemia in DKA Management.
  • Unmasking the Underlying Cause: Investigating the Triggers of DKA.
  • Sustaining Glycemic Control: Managing Diabetes at Home.
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AED 130.00
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Kris Gommeren

DVM, MSc, PhD, Dipl. ECVIM-CA, Head of ECC services University of Liege

⦁ Kris Gommeren graduated and performed an internship and a residency in internal medicine at Ghent University, where he helped in the development of the ECC-service and blood bank.
⦁ He worked briefly in a referral practice in the Netherlands, before obtaining his diplomacy in internal medicine and moving to Liège University.
⦁ Since 2008 he is in charge of the ECC-service at Liège University, where he finished a PhD on systemic inflammation and the the cardiovascular system.
⦁ He became a diplomate in emergency and critical care, although he remains actively involved in the internship and resident training program in internal medicine.
⦁ Besides his work in a university setting, he is a consultant for an international veterinary company for the development of emergency and critical care facilities and the training of emergency and critical care personnel.
⦁ Over the past years Kris has become involved in the EVECCS society, of which he actually is past-president.
